Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Another Peek at Meryton

The entry forms for the NSW Quilters' Guild Annual Quilt Show are due at their Sydney office next week.

I intend to enter two quilts in this year's show: one is the sixth quilt in my Jane Austen Quilt Collection called "Meryton".  This quilt is named after the town in "Pride and Prejudice" where the sisters go ribbon shopping and meet the charismatic Mr Wickham.  I wanted this quilt to be very pretty in a colour scheme of orange/pink on a green background.  It contains lots of hexagons and flowers.  It is completely hand appliquéd.    The outside border consists of sixteen separate blocks. 

I am still working on these blocks so had to be content to provide a photo of parts of the unfinished quit.  At least I have until July to finish but need to leave plenty of time for Veronica to wave her magic quilting wand over it!

The second quilt is completely machine pieced and machine appliquéd.  The design was inspired by two different antique quilts.  It is called "Henrietta" because one of the antique quilts was made by a Henrietta c. 1840.

This one is not finished yet either (oops!).  I am behind schedule this year!  More on "Henrietta" later.

1 comment:

  1. Another winner for you Katrina!
    Just gorgeous.
