This is Lesley’s stunning “Rosings” Centre. She has just added the dogtooth border in class at Lyn’s Fine Needlework.

Fabulous work ladies!
Veena has been busy making the Dresden rings for her “Hartfield” in red, purple and chocolate.
In Camden at The Stitchers Cupboard, Pam has finished this gorgeous “Donwell Abbey”.
Regina has also finished her fabulous version. Wow!
Sue is making her version in golden brown, green and red.

Lynne is making a gorgeous floral version.

Irene has been working on her “Pemberley” - beautiful!

Irene has been working on her “Pemberley” - beautiful!
Ivana has completed the hexagon centre for “Meryton” in red and navy. Love it!

Sharon has progressed on her “Dar Kisim Anatolia” Cushion.
Fabulous work ladies!