Saturday, 15 February 2014

Exciting Program for South Australian Quilt Encounter 2014

I have just received my brochure for this year's SA Quilt Encounter. It will be held in Adelaide from Friday 11 July to Thursday 17 July, 2014.

I taught at this event last year and had a FABULOUS time.  I will again be travelling to Adelaide this year to teach two of my Jane Austen Quilt Collection designs.

If you have the opportunity to attend, I highly recommend this event for any beginner or experienced quilter.

The organisation is first class, the tutor faculty excellent and varied, the workshop rooms spacious and fully equipped and the food yummy. Everyone is in a happy place at this event.

The tutors this year include my fellow members of the Textiles Across the Tasman blog group Amanda Daly, Rachelle Denneny and Jacqui Karl as well as my Whitecroft Tours pal, Michele Hill.

I will be teaching "Pemberley" over a three day workshop:

I will also be teaching "Longbourne" over a two day workshop.

If you would like to receive a brochure for the Quilt Encounter, you can email the Coordinator, Kerryn Brand on to request a copy to be mailed to you.

I very much look forward to meeting some new quilters at Quilt Encounter this year and catching up with friends from last year!

1 comment:

  1. Your quilts are fabulous Katrina. Do you machine quilt them yourself. If so Domestic or long arm? :-)
