Monday, 10 February 2014

Appleyard Cottage Visit to Campbelltown Quilters Guild

I accompanied Veronica tonight to speak at the Campbelltown Quilters' Guild monthly meeting.

Veronica was invited to tell the ladies about her new business venture to supply new quilt kits and Block of the Month program online.

Here is some of the display:

Veronica talked about her quilting journey and showed the ladies some of her prize winning quilts.

She also showed some of the new quilts she has made to kit up.  Please refer to her web site at for more information.

Several of the ladies signed up for the BOM I have designed called "Gold Rush".  Veronica is making this quilt in red, black and mustard.

Here we are with the blocks on display:

It was a fun and successful evening. Thank you, Campbelltown Guild.

1 comment:

  1. thankyou to you both, it was very enjoyable and Good Luck to Veronica in her new adventures.
